Thrift City’s Loyalty Program the TC Rewards Loyalty program (“the program”) is a rewards program that is tailored to your needs, allowing you to receive personalized offers and enabling you to accumulate points redeemable for bonuses equivalent to the discounts at all participating Thrift City LLC’s.
Membership to the TC Rewards Loyalty Program
It is the responsibility of the program members to update their personal information, such as address, telephone numbers or email address. Thrift City LLC reserves the right to cancel a card and an account if a member’s personal information is incomplete or inexact.
Potential Program members will receive a Thrift City TC Rewards loyalty card with a registered number that will be associated with an account once their enrolment in the program is fully completed. Members are responsible for the security of their account and they should not, for example, share their password or their secret questions registered in their profile.
Members in the program will occasionally be informed of special offers via emails sent to the email address registered with their account. If you do not wish to receive promotional emails from Thrift City LLC’s Loyalty Program you may opt out of receiving emails at any time.
The Thrift City LLC Loyalty Card remains the property of Thrift City LLC and must be returned upon request. It is not a credit card. It has no cash value; it is not refundable and may not be assigned. Thrift City LLC can revoke the card at any time at its sole discretion without any compensation due. The points awarded pursuant to the Program are not considered to be member property, do not have any cash value, cannot be exchanged for money and cannot be sold or assigned.
The personal information provided in order to enroll in the program and become a member will be used according to the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector and any other applicable federal or state law.
The terms and conditions of the Program are subject to the laws and regulations in force in the state where the Member resides. In the event one of the provisions of the Program is declared null or illegal, such provision or part thereof will then be deemed non-written in such state and the other provisions of the Program will remain in force.
Thrift City LLC may amend the terms and conditions of the Program at all times and without prior notice.
Any person may register under the Program and become a Member. To register the Client must first obtain a Thrift City LLC Loyalty Card in store and may then start accumulating points once the member’s profile is completed online. Each Member will receive a card bearing a specific number. This number creates the Member’s Points account. Only one Thrift City LLC Loyalty card is valid per Member.
Thrift City LLC reserves the right to make TC Rewards points and promotional offers available to select members based on purchase activity, geographic location, program participation, or information supplied by the member.
Privacy Policy: The information provided by the member will be used solely by Thrift City LLC and for tracking rewards points and marketing activities only. It will not be sold or provided to other organizations.
Members accumulate points redeemable for discounts by presenting their Thrift City LLC at participating Thrift City LLC stores when purchasing and paying for items that are eligible for point accumulation. For transactions covered by the Program, members accumulate Ten (10) points for each dollar spent, before taxes (HST). The number of points awarded will be calculated based on the rounded-down amount closest to the net amount invoiced and paid.
Each point has a discount value of ($0.002). For example, a member with one thousand (1,000) points can exchange their points at a participating Thrift City LLC Store for a discount of two dollars ($2.00) towards the purchase after taxes (HST) of items that eligible within the Program. The discount will be applied to the total amount including taxes.
You must have a Minimum of 1,000 points to redeem on a transaction.
You must fill out the mandatory required fields in your online profile to activate and/or be eligible to start redeeming points.
No points will be awarded or exchanged for a discount, for services or products at participating Thrift City LLC covered by a guarantee or paid for by a 3rd party.
When using points, members can accumulate points for the transaction against which a discount has been applied, but the points will be calculated based on the net amount invoiced and paid, less the discount amount after taxes. Points accumulated during a transaction cannot be exchanged for the same transaction.
Points are awarded are added to member accounts and accumulate until they are used by members at participating Thrift City LLC stores.
Special offers can be made to members by some of the participating Thrift City LLC stores alone or with partners, and bonus points can be awarded during a limited time when purchasing certain items, at the conditions stipulated at the time. As well, special offers can be made to members based on their profile, their needs, their geographical location, or their past participation in the Program.
Members can view the status of their points online by visiting their profile on the website or by visiting participating Thrift City LLC locations. Members are responsible for retaining all required documents and receipts and for producing them when requested. If a member notices an error in their points, they must report it immediately to Thrift City LLC customer service.
Points awarded upon purchase of an item at a participating Thrift City LLC will automatically be deducted from the member’s account upon exchange or return of said product. The member is entitled to a reimbursement equal to the amount paid after taxes of the initial purchase of the product. The Thrift City LLC Loyalty Program does not guarantee the availability of any items offered by participating Thrift City LLC stores.
In any one transaction, Thrift City LLC Loyalty Points may only be earned on a single Card, and may only be credited to a single Account. If there is a dispute about the number of points earned, redeemed or deducted our records will be considered accurate.
We accept no liability for any errors in the points balance displayed on the receipt or in your Account. If any points are awarded to your Account in error, we reserve the right to deduct the number of points awarded in error at any time, and without notice to you. We are not obligated to honor a request to redeem points added to an Account in error.
Gift Card Terms & Conditions
The gift card is redeemable at any participating Thrift City location in the United States of America, for all products at the store and it is not valid online.
Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash (except in those jurisdictions that require redemption for cash). If found, please return the gift card to any Thrift City location.
The gift card is good for life. When the balance runs out, you can reload it.
The value of the gift card is in U.S. dollars.
If the value of the gift card is insufficient to cover the cost of the purchase, the balance should be paid with another payment method.
If the gift card is lost or stolen, you can request a replacement gift card, on condition that you provide the original receipt for the gift card purchase and the number of the lost or stolen gift card. A replacement gift card will be activated in the amount of the available balance of the gift card at the time it is being replaced.
Images source, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons